Poetry: A 20th Century Menu

Join Judith Headley on
Wednesdays from 1.30pm-3.00pm
for a 7-week course for just
Thomas Hardy, W B Yeats, Sylvia Plath, Dylan Thomas? Or into the twenty-first century with Seamus Heaney, Carol Ann Duffy, or Simon Armitage? This course gives you a chance to study some of your favourite poets writing since 1900, everyone from Wendy Cope, D H Lawrence and U A Fanthorpe to Brian Bilston.
These poets and more will be on the menu for you to choose during our first session, when a popular vote will help us to draw up a seven-week programme. Read and explore your favourite poems with a friendly group of Leisure Learners - or discover someone completely new to you.
So that the tutor is able to prepare, for the first session we shall take a look at poems by a man who is a controversial figure, but a perennial twentieth-century favourite, Philip Larkin. After that, the choice is yours!